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Our Systems Team has begun implementing the requirement of SMTP authentication on our servers that may affect customers using an email client such as Thunderbird, Outlook or Mac Mail. If you are receiving "550 Access...

Normally, you can add, edit and delete users and passwords from the back-end User Manager. To do this, you must be logged in as a member of the Super Administrator group. In some situations, this may not be possible....

sebelum melakukan sesuatu alangkah baiknya membackup mysql configrasi nya terlebih dahulu: cp -rp /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.backupcp -rp /usr/my.cnf /usr/my.cnf.backup Kemudian lakukan edit: nano /etc/my.cnf...

If you find any of the following errors below in your /var/log/exim_mainlog log file. The fix below should resolve these errors 2013-12-22 03:16:00 Failed to get write lock for /var/spool/exim/db/ratelimit.lockfile:...

Warning: Parameter 1 to modMainMenuHelper::buildXML() expected to be a reference, value given in /libraries/joomla/cache/handler/callback.php on line 99 Jika terdapat tampilan pesan error di atas, pada website...

In codeigniter 1.7.x version if you find “The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.” message then you can solve it easily by following the below steps. Follow the following ways to fix this...

Berikut ini adalah cara menggunakan program tar, gzip, dan bzip2 untuk membuat arsip terkompresi. Membuat arsip dengan format Tar. tar cf hasil.tar file1 file2 dir1 dir2 dan seterusnya Opsi yang dipakai adalah c dan...

Cache pada web browser digunakan untuk menyimpan halaman website, gambar atau content download secara sementara pada komputer agar ketika kita akan berpindah halaman akan terasa lebih cepat, karena halaman-halaman...

In /etc the file, localtime, is a link to or copy of a file containing information about your time zone. Zone information files are usually in /usr/share/zoneinfo but this depends on your distribution. So if your...

Ketika Anda membuka sebuah halaman web, dan tiba-tiba muncul seperti ini : Network Error (tcp_error) A communication error occurred: “Connection reset by peer”The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing...

Ini adalah contoh anda memiliki 2 hard disk, /dev/sda dan /dev/sdb, dengan partisi /dev/sda1 dan /dev/sda2 dan juga /dev/sdb1 dan /dev/sdb2. /dev/sda1 dan /dev/sdb1 di buat RAID1 array /dev/md0./dev/sda2 dan /dev/sdb2...

Pergi ke halaman "Exim Configuration Editor" di WHM. Pilih "Advanced Editor". Add a Router in the Section: Routerstart. send_via_spamexperts: driver = manualroute domains = ! +local_domains...

Here is a new bug which I faced on virtuozzo 4 and 4.6 for Centos 6 VPS.   VPS fails to add IP during start or networking fails when network is restarted : -bash-4.1# /etc/init.d/network restartShutting down...

Terdapat banyak hal yang menyebabkan situs anda tidak bisa diakses. Tulisan dibawah ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana mengetahui penyebab masalahnya jika terdapat pesan-pesan error seperti "404 Not Found", "403 Forbidden",...